
Elite USA 2011 National Pageant

June 12, 2011

Me with Taralyn and Tracy Eschburger
San Antonio, Texas is known for many attractions such as the Alamo, Sea World, The River Walk, Morgans’ Wonderland and is also now the new home of the Elite USA National Pageant! On May 12th,, 2011, my mom and I traveled to San Antonio to support many of my “pageant
family” members who were competing.  By the time I arrived in San Antonio, the contestants had already spent the last 2 days competing in many events like ”Red,White & Blue” wear, Talent, and “State Costume”.  The last day of completion was Evening Gown and the Fun Fashion portion of the pageant.  With so many beautiful girls in gorgeous gowns and fun Fashion Wear, this was one pageant that I was happy not to be judging!  Congratulations to the new 2011 Elite USA title holders! All of the contestants did an amazing job representing their home states. Attending the pageant reminded me I am just 52 days away from competing in my own National pageant… But who’s counting?
Summer and I
2010 Elite USA Queen's portraits