
Race for the Cure, June 12, 2010

last Saturday my mom and I participated in the Race for the Cure with my "Miss" sister queen  Ashley Smith and her mom Becky.  This was the first time I had gone to this event and I was really impressed with the turn out. There was over 10k people of all ages showing their support! In a sea of runners, walkers and strollers it was a miracle that we saw our friend Kayla Wharton (Mrs. Texas Galaxy) just before it started, so we were able to "race" together. I say "race" because in 97 degree Texas heat with 80 percent humidity all we could manage to do was walk while we melted for the 3 miles!!  Both Ashley and Kayla's moms are breast cancer survivors ( Mrs. Smith is 16years!) and It was my pleasure to walk in support of them and those enduring the fight.