
Arc of The Arts Fashion Show, April 29, 2010

My first official event as the spokes person for The Arc of Texas was few weeks ago when I attending the Arc of the Arts “Spring Has Sprung Fashion Show” in Austin, TX.  The Arc of The Capital Area hosted the event to help raise awareness for The Arc of Texas and its household recycling program and was held at the Arc of the Arts Studio.  The evening began with hors d’oeuvres and an art gallery showing.  My mom and I fell in love with many of the art pieces and even brought home two. It was a treat for us to meet the artists and have our pictures taken.

Thrift Town, of Austin, who purchases the donated household items from the Arc of Texas donated the wardrobe for the fashion show.  I have to say that as someone very interested in fashion, I was impressed with the creativity of the outfits!  Each model strutted their stuff down a hand painted “runway” to cheers, clapping and upbeat music. The show was a real success and I had so much fun! I hope they decide to put on a Fall Fashion show so I can come back!   After the show was over, I had the opportunity to meet many of The Arc of the Arts clients and volunteers.  They truly are outstanding and passionate people. If you are not familiar with The Arc, they are a national organization that promotes education, advocacy and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  So when you are looking for a worthy organization to donate your household items to, I hope you will think of The Arc and their mission.