
Hello Everyone!
Since the last time you all have seen me, I have started attending Texas Christian University in pursuit of my Bachelors in Psychology with an emphasis in neuroscience, and now I am also excited to announce to you that I have come out of "Pageant Retirement" to compete in the 2013 Miss Texas International Pageant. I am representing my home town as the new Miss Fort Worth International! With this honor, I will be continuing my efforts with V.I.P. C.H.I.C. to educate and advocate on behalf of the special needs community. For those who are not aware of V.I.P. C.H.I.C., it is a fundraising initiative that raises awareness and funds for organisations that share my passion for those with special needs.
I appreciate everyone's support in my new endeavors and can't wait to start documenting my new reign ! Look back frequently for updates and please visit my website for V.I.P. C.H.I.C. merchandise and ways you can help! Also, If you would like me to be apart of your event , please contact me through my website!

Love ,
Sydney Datcher
Miss Fort Worth International 2013

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson