
Seeing Blue !

As some of you may know, I am a student at Texas Christian University and an advocate for disabilities. So naturally when I heard about the Autism Speaks U group on campus , I had to check them out. Autism Speaks U at TCU is the college segment for the Autism Speaks organization that promotes campus and local community awareness, advocacy and fundraising efforts to help individuals and families affected by Autism. On April 5 in honor of National Autism Awareness Day (The actually day, April 2, got rained out), the group painted a giant blue puzzle piece in the commons of TCU for the event Light It Up Blue. Then on April 7th they held an awareness race with fun games and a raffle. It was such a great weekend and I am very proud to say they raised $225.69 at the Light it Up Blue event and almost $3000 at the race! Way to go TCU! I feel so blessed to attend a school that not only is so welcoming to everyone, but feels as passionate as I do about inclusion and awareness !